星期六, 7月 08, 2006

Do You Have Guts?

It has been long that I want to write a post for this topic.

病人有肝癌和直腸癌。 一個月前沒有明顯外傷突然背痛坐不住,兩腿麻木。
This patient has hepatocellular carcinoma and meanwhile rectal cancer. Since one month ago, without recollectable trauma, he couldn't bear sitting and both legs numbness happened to him as well.

磁振造影顯示第四腰椎病理性骨折,有個碎片往後壓到神經,造成嚴重的神經壓迫。 可以解釋病人的背痛和神經症狀。
The MRI showed L4 pathological fracture, with a fragment going backward resulting in severe dural compression. Without a question this fracture caused back pain and neurological deficits.

下一步,開刀嗎? 等一下。 別忘了腫瘤的旁邊總是有很豐富的血管。
Proceed to surgery? Wait a minute! Beware of the high vascularization around the tumor.

放射科的醫師為我們做血管攝影。 第一張是骨骼,第二張是注入顯影劑,已經將第一張的信號減掉了,所以可以很清楚看到打藥分布的情況。
The radiologist did an abdominal aortic angiography for us. The first picture showed skeletum and the second showed the flow of constrast medium with the image of skeletum substracted. It is clear to see the distribution of the contrast medium.

看到那腫瘤豐富的血流了嗎? 放射科醫師說如果塞這條血管,怕會引起不好的效應,所以她不能做。 那我呢? 我想到的畫面是捷運施工挖到天然氣的管子,地底嘶嘶作響,空氣中立刻瀰漫令人恐懼的臭氣;整條馬路的交通管制,人員走避,等待天然氣公司的人員關掉供氣站的開關。
You see the rich blood supply to the tumor? The radiologist said adverse effect might ocuur if the segmental vessels had been embolized. So she couldn't do it. How about me? The picture came to me was the Metro workers running away from the place where they accidently dig the gas pipes. Somebody! Help to shut down the gas flow from the control center!

3 則留言:

Paul 提到...

我不明白耶,把那血管塞住會有什麼併發症嗎?那個level的lumbar artery全綁掉也不會有事啊...

hbrk55 提到...

那天放射科跟我連絡,我正在門診奮鬥。 我的疑問也跟你一樣,因為不是spinal cord的位置,本來沒什麼可顧忌的。

事後看到照的片子,心裡覺得真是可惜。 血管勾得真好,卻沒有再進一步,將血管塞住,說不定一舉解決神經壓迫的問題,而我只要打釘子固定就行了。

病人是我的老病人,每日殷殷切盼我幫他做手術。 唉! 開這種手術真是要命(要我的命)。

Paul 提到...
