
About one and half a month ago came a girl to my clinic with her foot showing an equinus deformity.
The Psychiatrist ordered an admission for her schizophrenia and he needed to know if I wanted do anything for her then. She refused to see orthopedic surgeon after the trauma. A neglected ankle fracture dislocation happened to her. She had pain, limping and deformity.
精神科醫師要收她住院之前,要我先看看須不需要先做些什麼。 她幾個月前受傷之後拒絕看醫生,因而她的踝關節骨折又脫臼被忽略了,她有腳踝痛,跛行和變形。
I didn't feel quite comfortable when I saw her. It was very bothering to talk with a patient who had a totally different way of thniking. I gave up and told the girl and her parents, as long as she understood and accepted the surgery and promised to protect her leg for 3 months after the surgery, I could treat her.
第一眼看到她我其實不太愉快,特別是她的想法天馬行空,完全不同調。 好吧! 我後來說只要病人能夠了解也同意醫師要幫她做的手術,並且能夠手術後保護三個月,我可以幫她治療。
I visited her for a couple of times talking about the same things. What I required did not change. It is not a difficult operation but she has to be cooperative, not to bear her weight on her foot, otherwise she will get deformity more than ever. She'd rather postpone the operation till her mental condition is stabilized so she can get a better outcome.
後來精神科多次找我追蹤會診,我的條件依然沒有改變。 手術並不困難,可是如果病人手術之後不配合,不能保護她的腳,任意踩地負重,會將關節弄歪掉,這樣子不如不開刀,等以後她的精神狀況好了再開,更能確保手術的成效。
During the latest talk I explained again to the pt and her family. Everything about the indications, methods, prognosis and what we fear to meet is told. All I want is a Yes or No to the operation from her.
最近這一次,我再與她和她父母會談。 我將為什麼要開刀,要怎麼開,預期達到什麼成效,怕遇見什麼狀況,從頭到尾花了二十分鐘又解釋了一遍。 我所要的,無非是病人開口說,好,我要開刀;或者說,不,我就是不開刀。
To my knowledge she must be afraid. Her fainting eyes really defeated me. She knodded on everything I said but wanna do surgery?
我知道她會害怕,但是她茫然的眼神,讓我感到無力。 我說的她都了解,但是要不要開刀?
"I don't know..." O, Man!
「我不知道耶。」 喔!
I answered the consultation note: "The patient and the family still can't get it." I tried to help her but I preferred not, either. How could I do a op. with an only uncertain prognosis?
在病歷上我寫著: The patient and the family still can't get it. 我很想幫助她,又很想推掉她。 她的手術絕對應該做,但是開完刀我怕她效果不好以後真的沒完沒了。 明知道開完刀效果可能不好,我怎麼能做呢?
Nobody said a thing. kinda freezing. My pen drew a cross on the note, just beside my comments. All of a sudden a Bible verse came to me(Luke 9:23).
場面突然冷清,有點僵在那裡。 我的筆在病歷上畫了一個十字架,就在剛剛的意見旁邊。 忽然想起一句聖經的話:(路加福音第九章23節)
And he said to them all, If any man has a desire to come after me, let him give up all, and take up his cross every day, and come after me.
I chose to take up my cross and tell her a story(Luke 18:35):
And it came about that when he got near Jericho, a certain blind man was seated by the side of the road, making requests for money from those who went by. And hearing the sound of a great number of people going by, he said, What is this? And they said to him, Jesus of Nazareth is going by. And he said in a loud voice, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. And those who were in front made protests and said to him, Be quiet: but he said all the more, O Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus, stopping, gave orders that he was to come to him, and when he came near, he said to him, What would you have me do for you? And he said, Lord, that I may be able to see again. And Jesus said, See again: your faith has made you well. And straight away he was able to see, and he went after him, giving glory to God; and all the people when they saw it gave praise to God.
耶穌將近耶利哥的時候,有一個瞎子坐在路旁討飯。聽見許多人經過,就問是甚麼事。他們告訴他是拿撒勒人耶穌經過。他就呼叫說︰「大衛的子孫耶穌阿!可憐我罷!」在前頭走的人就責備他,不許他作聲,他卻越發喊叫說︰「大衛的子孫,可憐我罷!」耶穌站住,吩咐把他領過來,到了跟前,就問他說︰「你要我為你作甚麼?」他說︰「主阿,我要能看見。」耶穌說︰「你可以看見!你的信救了你了。」瞎子立刻看見了,就跟隨耶穌,一路歸榮耀與 神。眾人看見這事,也讚美 神。
If the blind man had not asked for help, how could he be able to see again? God's mercy won't come to us if we don't ask. So don't keep silent, just ask! Otherwise Jesus is going by.
如果瞎子不尋找幫助,他怎麼有機會看見? 我們若不求神憐憫,神的恩惠當然不到我們身上來。所以儘管開口,不要沉默。不然耶穌就從旁邊路過了。
I told her, everyone around you wants to help you. All you need to do is to ask help from us. We will give you a hand immediately to solve your problem. If you don't ask, nobody can help you. Now you can choose, do you want us to help you?
我跟病人說,現在在你身邊的父母親,醫生,護士,社工都願意幫助妳。 妳需要做的,就是開口要求我們的幫助,我們立刻會幫助妳,解決妳不能走路的問題。 妳若不要求,誰能幫助妳呢? 現在你有這個機會,你要不要開口要求我們的幫助呢?
The Bible story is simple and to answer is easy. She said yes without hesitation. We people around her cheered up and unloaded our burden. The operation was smooth and she was stable. May the glory be given to God.
聖經的故事很簡單,故事後面的問題好回答,她立刻就答應。 我們旁邊的人都好高興,大家的重擔一時之間全都放下了。手術順利完成,她也很穩定。 願榮耀歸與 神!
8 則留言:
以前有一篇報導,抽樣問一般民眾,自己覺得自己是個品格如何的人。 大部分的人都覺得自己好事做得比一般人多一點,個性比一般人好一點,道德比一般人高一點。 可是這篇報導說,其實認真研究起來,我們一般的人,不過是 Moral average 而已。
Who Am I?--豐厚生命故事的力量
我的答案是,我只是個moral average。 如果沒有繼續反省,尋求,禱告,很快連average都不到。 感謝 神對我生命的改變,讓我能少因循苟且,少推諉一些。 詩篇這一句能安慰人(四十二篇11節),與大家分享了:
我的心哪,你為何憂悶?為何在我裡面煩躁?應當仰望 神,因我還要稱讚他。 他是我臉上的光榮,是我的 神。
我去看了你的新聞台,點不出文章看。 我會再試試的。
另外,當我將您的這篇文章複製到MS Word時,被檢查出有幾個英文單字拼錯。我會將其修正後再轉載(wanna和kidda例外)。
首先要對你說聲對不起, 原先我以為台灣的基督徒很少, 就算有也不會是醫護人員, 但原來我錯了, 也可能會沒太看重生命, 但看完你的見證, 我覺得很感動哦! 你沒有麻目不仁, 反之會用基督的愛去愛她,真感恩.
願你能在你的工作範疇中, 努力傳福音, 努力作見證.
這榮耀是上帝的,願我們同能成為 祂的見證而感恩。