星期五, 7月 15, 2005

The scoliosis surgery that I did

Originally uploaded by hbrk55.
What i am doing on earth? It depends on whose point of view.

This Summer I did this surgery. I thought my planning, explanation, surgical technique and the pt's recovery were almost perfect.

This young girl and her family are happy. I tried to share my happiness with people around me. Nobody was so excited like me. Sigh!

My wife is always wondering what I am doing in the hospital. I go home so late everyday.

So what I am doing FOR on earth? No, no, no! I am not trying to please anybody. May the work i did glorify God our Lord.

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

What am I doing on this earth? A more precise question may be: what is my purpose here on earth? That is the ultimate question-the meaning of life.

Many philosophers, spiritual leaders and other brilliant minds tried to answer this question.

I wondered about the purpose of my life for many, many years. I struggled to find any kind of convincing theory.

After I escaped the grip of death, my heart was full of serenity. The purpose of my life was revealed to me in a very real way.

I exist through the love of my dear ones. I exist to reciprocate the love and good things I have received.

No matter how small my world is, how little I can accomplish with my limited physical circumstance, I am thinking and caring for the people around me.

Being the bright light in your own world and bring joy to others, that is serving the purpose of your existence on this earth.

We are here to serve in the capacity we are assigned. The lucky ones such as yourself, serve in a profound and immediate way on a bigger scale.

Only if we, human beings, can all ponder more about this question and choose to live in a way to help each other more.

匿名 提到...

Dear spinesurgeon,
Of course I feel excited for you and the patient. Also I'm very proud to be one of your friends and colleagues. You always work so hard and sincere. You are my idol. (Although you don't like to be an idol.:p)
Best wishes for your family and work!

匿名 提到...

" Nobody was so excited like me "
這是當然的.. 因為這份來自女孩與她家人的衷心感謝是給你的.當醫師的辛苦和努力,就是在這一刻最令人難忘.