星期六, 6月 25, 2005

To make a change

I wrote too many long posts in my weblog. Looks like I am a talkative guy but I swear I am not.

Wanna keep my posts shorter.

BTW, you see the readhead girl on the right side-column? She is showing you the current weather condition in "Kaoshiung airport." Not in Taipei. Not in my own town. You can only find two airports in Taiwan broadcasting their weather information online. I choose the one near me.

我的blog裡面長篇大論太多了。 我豈願意讓我自己變成一個喋喋不休的人呢?


另外,看到畫面右邊那個紅髮的女生嗎? 她告訴你目前高雄機場的天氣。 不是台北也不是我這裡。 台灣只有兩個機場把天氣資訊送上網,我選擇靠近我的一個。

本來我希望在中央氣象局網站找到適當的資訊,類似weather channel,可惜沒有。

4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Dear Sir,

Please don't worry. You haven't even written nearly enough. If you were a fresh well in the desert providing water to save lives, would you tell yourself, maybe I am giving too much water now and I should cut back on my water supply?

I just hope that your fingers will not suffer from typing too much. After all, those delicate fingers are your patients' hope and future.



匿名 提到...

Please do not swear easily. After all, it is not a proper word by using in your writing.

匿名 提到...

It depends on how you use the word "swear".

I think it's quite okay to use it when it's meant as a personal statement:

"I swear to tell the truth", or "I swear to always say meaningful things."

If one is swearing and cursing about something or someone, it is definitely improper for sure, especial in a religious connotation.

Swearing: (www.webster.com)

1: to take an oath
2: to use profane or obscene language: CURSE

hbrk55 提到...

謝謝wondering 的鼓勵。其實我一直覺得會唱歌的鳥,就算關在籠子裡又不見天日也會唱歌。無論命運如何,唱歌到死為止。

