星期一, 6月 13, 2005

You see the rainbow?

You see the rainbow?
Originally uploaded by hbrk55.
由塔什甘搭乘烏茲別克航空公司往吉隆坡,在飛機上看到雲端的彩虹。每次我看到彩虹都很感動,彷彿是上帝把這世界最美麗的自然景觀放在我的眼前,鼓勵我;彷彿看到諾亞與耶和華的約定。 在台灣的飛機上不能拍照,但出國時發現別的國家並沒有這麼嚴格。只要不在起降時用,要用電腦,數位相機,MP3都是可以的。
On the way from Tashkent to Kuala Lumpur, I saw the rainbow on the aircraft. Whenever I see a rainbow I am deeply touched. It seems that God,who makes covenant with Noah, shows me the most magnificent scenes before my eyes to encourge me. In Taiwan the passengers on the aircraft are not allowed to use digital cameras but it is not so elsewhere in the world. Passengers can use digital cameras, laptops or MP3 when the plane is not taking off or landing.

5 則留言:

匿名 提到...

i tried to post a comment yesterday about the lack of English on this site. blogspot is so slow! try xanga.com!

mh in kg

hbrk55 提到...

Peace be with you! I almost thought that your comment was a spam.

I am sorry that I invited you here but no English for you. : )

OK, I will kick out some slow links and I'll put some English materials here. You know your complaints about blogspot is just like the way you talk. Coincidence?

hbrk55 提到...

anyone knows about xanga please give some comments.

It looks light and neat. Of course before your put too many photos.

匿名 提到...

i think xanga is better than blogspot. my first 2 blogs were on blogspot.


hbrk55 提到...


Xanga is no free for every service. I tried to use it and only got classic template with basic funstion.

Did you convince wh to use it? : )