星期一, 11月 14, 2005



輕,可以不打釘子以免將來或多或少的後遺症。 他們覺得我的說法好,想在故鄉開刀,不在部隊所在開刀。可是現在卻變成有個驗退的權柄在軍醫院手裡。

我不勉強他們,照我意思開刀,結果不能早退伍,不就得在部隊裡受到長期病號的難堪待遇嗎? 另一方面照著軍醫院的說法開刀,就要留個釘子在身體裡。 我已經覺得愛莫能助了,他們一家人恐怕更難抉擇吧!

13 則留言:

hello Taiwan 提到...



hbrk55 提到...



醫師的立場都是為病人好,不過彼此信念或許有些不同。 軍醫院的醫師,不是不好,他是我的大學同學。


匿名 提到...

不久前電視報導有一個在金門服役的役男, 因為腰椎 HIVD 在當地手術, 不幸的是手術中竟然引發大出血, 術後經過多日的治療仍因器官衰竭死亡. 聽到這消息我覺得有點不可思議, 這應該是很平常的刀吧, 不知道他是不是在軍醫院開的. 至於要在軍醫院開刀才能驗退我覺得應該不是真的, 要不是病人家屬的推託之辭, 就是軍醫院在唬人. 這應該可以上軍醫相關網站查詢一下.

匿名 提到...

義務役的HIVD並不需要開過刀才能驗退 只要影像學檢查確認有壓迫神經根即可 有些需要動手術才能驗退的項目 只要手術醫師願意開立詳細的診斷證明亦可 並沒有只有在軍醫院手術才能驗退的規定 應該是軍中的長官怕麻煩才會這樣說

匿名 提到...


Damaged spine allows signals to brain
Tuesday, 15 November 2005

Brains of people with a spinal cord injury can respond to signals from their lower limbs during exercise, surprising new research suggests.

This finding, although preliminary, suggests that their spinal cords may not be as damaged as doctors think.

Alternatively, patients' brains could be responding to a change in blood flow while exercising.

Either way this world-first research suggests that rehabilitation could one day lead to improved function for people with injured spinal cords.

Australian neuroscientist Professor Ashley Craig of the University of Technology, Sydney and team, looked into activity-based therapy using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES).

This involves helping people with spinal cord injury to exercise on a bike by electrically stimulating their legs.

Craig says this leads to the same brain patterns as those found in able-bodied people when exercising.

This suggests the brain is responding to signals from exercising muscles, a finding that he says may pave the way for better rehabilitation.

"We're not saying that we're going to regrow the spine," says Craig. "But it could improve their function which is something which has not really been possible until this activity-based therapy and FES came along."

Superman's tiny victory sparks research

Researchers became more interest in FES after the experience of Superman actor, Christopher Reeve.

He was paralysed from the neck down after a fall and needed assisted ventilation to breathe.

Five years later, when doctors predicted he would never get better, he started activity-based therapy using FES and began to improve.

"He had some degree of neurological recovery," says Associate Professor Glen Davis of the University of Sydney, who is working with Craig.

Reeve began to get some extra sensation in the top of his hands and could feel tingling and heat in the lower parts of his body, says Davis.

The actor was even able to move his fingers a little and his breathing improved, reducing his need for artificial ventilation.

"His breathing improvement was so profound that he was able to take the plane to Australia," says Davis.

The theory was that if Reeve had started the treatment earlier he might have got better results, says Davis. But researchers don't know much about how the exercise worked.

The first look at brain activity

The researchers set out to take the first look at the impact of FES-stimulated exercise on brain activity.

Using an electroencephalogram, they measured the brain activity of nine paraplegics cycling with the aid of electrical stimulation to their leg muscles, called active cycling.

They also measured the brain activity of nine able-bodied cyclists, matched for sex and age, and the brain activity of the same nine paraplegics while cycling on a machine that turned its own pedals, known as passive cycling.

Craig says the paraplegics who did passive cycling showed the brain activity of someone who was not exercising, but those who were doing the FES-stimulated exercise had the same brain activity as the able-bodied exercisers.

"It's unexpected because if the spine is broken, how are the signals getting back to allow the brain to activate in the way it does when the spine is not broken?" he says.

Mystery results

Craig says there are two possible explanations for the results.

First, the spinal cord may not be as damaged as suspected and signals are actually passing through it back to the brain.

Alternatively, he says, the brain could be getting feedback via the change in blood flow that happens during exercise.

While the heart rate of the passive cyclers did not increase, the heart rate of the active cyclers did.

"If the cardiovascular system is stimulated then you get feedback into the brain," says Craig.

He says whatever is happening, the fact that the brain is receiving feedback from muscles being exercised by FES, is exciting.

"When your cord is broken your brain changes," he says. "The part of the brain that runs the legs doesn't think the legs exist anymore so [brain cells] get redistributed to other things."

The feedback from the FES-stimulated activity could improve rehabilitation by helping to reorganise the brain, says Craig.

His colleague, Davis, will head a four-year trial, due to begin next year, to determine how much function the activity-based therapy can return.

gush 提到...




gush 提到...



hbrk55 提到...


如果要打釘子,就怕加重椎間盤負荷。 不過不打釘子,手術是小的,恢復卻是比較慢的,所以,要驗退,我沒有把握給他一定過,即使我有這個權力開診斷書。

Gush, 我開不了全世界的病人,這都是上帝的安排。

gush 提到...




hbrk55 提到...

今天病人來報到,開完刀很順利。驗退一事, 且看看吧!

hello Taiwan 提到...





hbrk55 提到...




gush 提到...

