星期五, 12月 02, 2005

To someone who might concern

本來想寫在人家的comment裡面,又擔心自己給人無聊的印象,不如放這裡吧! 我沒說要給誰。




你不想搬家,又怕搬家會不能畢業。 似乎不能畢業是最差的情況。 不能畢業最差的下場是什麼呢? 拿不到博士學位。

拿不到博士學位最差的下場是什麼呢? 街頭討飯嗎? 不會吧? 被朋友同學取笑? 不會吧? 父母親不原諒? 不會吧? 認識你的大家都站在你這邊。

在異鄉多年,就為了拿個博士學位,將來也好回國找個好工作,或者在美國有個好發展。缺了一個學位當然有點可惜,卻不是世界末日。 在台灣博士也沒什麼好混的,在美國你有文章,有數據,有研究能力,應該不會有找不到工作的煩惱。


3 則留言:

匿名 提到...



沒拿到當然不會怎樣,只是這樣我未來人生的規劃完全要改變。有些人喜歡改變,我並不是那樣的改變。就像是一個唸了醫學院七年,快畢業的人,最後家裏沒錢了,你要他怎麼樣? 換個學校繼續唸? 不唸了? 還是笑笑的說,沒拿到學位也無所謂?




於是就這樣一直勉強勉強勉強。我真想跟我老闆說,幹,老娘不唸了,你自己去找人發data 吧。

you know who

匿名 提到...

I think I can provide you my 2 cents on this. Many years ago, I had a similar situation. My school is among top 5 in the US and I was couple months away from getting my Ph.D. degree. I landed a job offer in 30 days of job searching and never went back. Have I ever regret my decision? Absolutely! Not for myself, but I really feel sorry for my wife and my dad. Even I have a not-so-bad job here in the states, I still think I let them down. I guess it's the culture cross on every chinese's back. I know it's hard for you to make the decision, but may I suggest to hold tight for a little longer. After 10 years you will thank yourself for this.

匿名 提到...


thanks for your message. i think the only remaining reason i am still here, and trying so hard, was because my parents. i did most of my phD for them, not actually for myself.

but i am really tired. not because i am not interested in doing phD, but this is a really crucial thing. learn more just makes me feels i know less....and there are so many good and telent people out there....and the efforts i spent already stressed me so much, and cause lots of problems on my body, all because i want a phD.

sometimes i really want to give up...as i say, the only reason i am still there, is because my parents. and they can't even help me...they were even mad at me once before that i took so long to get my phD....

oh..no...haven't got it yet.