星期四, 2月 23, 2006

What is on earth this for? 這究竟是在搞什麼?

I think to do operation is a very tedious job.

Previously a total knee arthroplasty and a spinal surgery were scheduled for today. One of my colleague in the hospital the other day came to me and asked to adjust her mother's spinal surgery to today.
早先給今天排了人工膝關節置換手術和脊椎手術各一台。 同事來找我,本來下週給他家人做的手術希望能提早到今天,因為病人已經受不了了。

So, I am right now in the hospital.

I am really tired of it whenever I think of the three spinal surgeries I am going to do tomorrow.
只要我想到明天還有三台脊椎的手術, 我心裡就不勝愁煩。

For money? maybe a lot.
為了錢嗎? 或許賺到了一點。

For peace? no, this kind of work doesn't bring me peace.
為了平安嗎? 不會吧,這樣子工作不會帶來平安。

14 則留言:

萍生 提到...

Sounds like a severe case of work burn out. That's my diagnoses. BTW, why is it diag-NOSES and not ears or eyes?

My prescription is a relaxing vacation away from work. That should cure it. If not, come back for another appointment in a week.

april 提到...

feel tired is not bad.

and it's a good idea to take a vacation.

匿名 提到...

Dr. you should relax yourslfe in your work.

Everyone does the same things all the time that is dreay for life.

Maybe you can arrange your scheduled renewedly. Takeing plan to take a trip, going to countryside or mountain to breathe fresh air. Those are good methods for someone drearying in working.

You may feel better than now.Luck!

匿名 提到...

Dear Dr.

Add Oil!! >_<

匿名 提到...

Great thinkers are alike.I agree
with gush.
If you don't need money so badly,
just take a vacation recently!

匿名 提到...

I don't why I thought about this lyrics after reading your post today.

"what looks like failur is success,
and what looks like poverty is riches,
when what is true look more like a knif,
it looks like you're killing me
but you're saving my life. "
---by derek somebody
It's a gospel song, and it has nothing to do with your current energy burn out situation.;
Excuse me for not suggesting you too take a vacation. I am sure you always needed one though.

Best regards,


匿名 提到...

Poor you, dear brother.

cherish yourself please.

匿名 提到...

Just like Anonymous said

Dear Dr.you should cherish what you had now.

I always talk to my ftiends who are in the University, " Not to complain what you should have done everyday. Please cherish what you have owned. There is a person who admire you most at the back."

Change the points of veiw, those are the diffculties what you were encounter may let you have different ideas about your work or life.

Arrange a short time to cosider what is important for yourself and take a rest for your busy working.

God always in your side. Luck!

匿名 提到...

>>>I am really tired of it whenever "I think" of the three spinal surgeries I am going to do tomorrow.

Dear Dr.
Too tired to think?
then don't think,
just do it!

(拍謝, 我好像在幫某個牌子做廣告吼 XP 我是來亂的~)

匿名 提到...

Everything we do is to honor the God.

hbrk55 提到...



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匿名 提到...

To Dr.

嘿嘿~ 看到你的中英對照, 覺得你的翻譯很是不錯呢:)

ㄚ那個~ 不過~ 我想問一下
工作過量跟平不平安有啥關係? @@

匿名 提到...


